Publisher's Synopsis
After an archaeological excavation under the Giza platform Kemp Hastings, Darlene Gammay and Erica Vine, once again find themselves caught up in a series of inexplicable events that introduces the three colleagues to an ancient Anunnaki Pharaoh called 'Og' and have to acknowledge the workings of alchemy and time travel coupled with a glimpse into the afterlife.
As Kemp Hastings works away in his Baker's shop known locally as the 'Biscuit factory' An alien entity appears out of nowhere and for some reason sends or bio - locates Hastings to the Museum in Cairo where he finds himself under arrest from the local authorities. Whilst in police custody a visitor turns up and explains to the baker the secrets of an ancient prophecy that was coming to fruition in this modern age, and that the great sorcerer 'Og' from Kom Ombo, Egypt was travelling through time in order to seek revenge on the kings that had waged war against his people. The oddity being that 'Og' on this occasion may have been sent to the biscuit factory for another purpose entirely by the Anunnaki. After receiving the 'red egg' of the creation theory, Erica and Darlene are sent into the underworld by the alien to be prematurely judged as retribution for disturbing the resting tomb of the great King Nimrod (Gilgamesh) due to their earlier exploits as a 'curse' punishment. However, they survive the ordeal having explained to the great 'Utu' of the underworld that they were still living beings and had not passed the human cycle of life and ask that they be returned to their normal lives as they had been sent by the 'Og' under false pretence. As the story unfolds it becomes apparent that the 'Og' was on a mission from the heavens to help humanity against a surge in the 'climate changes' across the planet earth and engages with world leaders to execute a joint military and alien global seeding program to reduce climate change starting in Antarctica. The only problem being that the Draco lizard species and some rogue Igigi beings are acting on behalf of the serpent Queen and were attempting to heat up the earth and remove mankind, whilst attempting to take over earth and erase the Anunnaki from existence. This is the final book of the Trilogy - The Anunnaki Legend of the Ankh, The Seed - Anu Nexus & The Alien Biscuit Factory.