Publisher's Synopsis
Tommy was lonely and needed a friend who would play with him and be with him on his many adventures. He lived on a big farm and it wasn't always easy to get friends to come over. One day, he had a brilliant idea! He would ask his dad if he could buy him a puppy! His dad agreed as long as it was a "free" puppy. So, he walked over to a local farm to look for one. When he got there, he found a puppy with long floppy ears with white tips on them. He carried him home and named him "Tippy". Tommy and Tippy became the best of friends and spent long hours together looking for exciting things to do. There were many times when the excitement turned into a magical experience! On their adventures, Tommy found that many creatures needed to be rescued. Tommy was very kind to them and learned that good deeds can bring new animal friends and rescuing them can bring more adventures!