Publisher's Synopsis
We know you, as a parent, make the magic, and we make available great books to aid you along the way.
Fresh from Colfax Mann is The Adventures Of Blankie, a new hero's adventure:
Swept from six-year-old Prisha Collins' grasp by a mean ol' gust of Kansas wind during the All Schools Day Parade, Blankie eventually ends up in a railyard in Denver. Stuck on the streets, sleeping in an alley, Blankie is without everything his safe, happy world once held. But Blankie is not completely without help, he does have a dream-to get back to Prisha before her family moves in a few days-and he has his belief that there is magic in dreams and simple goodness. Blankie finds unique friends, crazy jobs, and timely events, but will they be enough to overcome the storm, the birds that hunt him, the distance he has to travel, and most of all, his waning hope and faith? Set two decades ago in McPherson, Kansas, and Denver, Colorado, The Adventures Of Blankie is a fun, exciting, uplifting story for children and the adult reader as well. Some of the best times of my life were reading to our daughter when she was young, and I wrote this with the child AND the adult in mind. I'd be honored to be a small part of that same experience in your own family. -Colfax Mann-