Publisher's Synopsis
NEW AND UPDATED FOR 2022 (WELL-DETAILED WITH PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS)Would you love to learn how to set up (easily), design (professionally) and secure (aptly) killer WordPress sites? (Even if you have no prior knowledge of coding or nerve-racking technical stuff)
Then, The "5-Day WordPress School" is the most authoritative guide you'll ever need!
It's no longer news that WordPress is the best blogging platform on the planet and the most popular Content Management System you can find today which powers 52% of websites on the internet (according to Technorati) which speaks volume of its efficiency and amazing features.
No wonder authoritative websites on the internet (like CNN, New York Times, HuffingtonPost...) are powered by the WordPress platform.
WordPress is the bomb: do you want to be left out?
Cyrus Jackson, a professional WordPress designer, takes you by the hand on how to master the WordPress platform effectively: from setup, to design, all the way to security ... in a brick-by-brick fashion with abundance of illustrations, screenshots, graphics and step by step guidelines to give you the needed road map on how to set up your WordPress website professionally for a web audience.
And yes: The book can turn you into a professional WordPress designer in 5 days even if this is your first attempt at starting an online platform.
Here're topics covered in this amazing, easy-to-read, jaw-dropping and beginner-friendly book:
- A detailed explanation of the WordPress platform
- Understanding the WordPress dashboard
- Setting up your self-hosted WordPress Website
- Everything you need to know about web hosting and domain registration
- The best web hosts that are reliable and affordable
- Important tips to follow when choosing a web host
- How to install WordPress plugins
- Customizing your sharing buttons
- Installing a theme
- Customizing your widget area
- Creating pages and publishing posts
- Creating beautiful categories for your site
- Deleting useless plugins and posts
- Securing your website from hackers, spammers and harmful malwares
- Creating a custom email address for your WordPress website which makes your brand look professional
- ...And lots more with massive screenshots, graphics and illustrations to guide you along in a brick-by-brick fashion
I found "The 5-Day WordPress School" to be an excellent source of information for creating my WordPress website. I have read numerous books on creating your own WordPress website and I believe that this book is the best book that I have read on the subject of setting up a website for my business. - Maureen, Amazon Customer.
This means it's more of a course than a book because there's room for interaction between the author and readers which makes this book different from others.
In other words, if:
- You want to learn how to set up jaw-dropping WordPress websites or blogs (to launch your products, sell your services, build an audience or create a brand online) without any knowledge of coding or technical stuff.
- You want to master every aspect of WordPress: customization, design, security and managing a website/blog effectively.
- You want to become a professional WordPress website designer and earn income setting up websites for clients.
This is the perfect book for you! So, scroll up and click on the "BUY BUTTON" right away