Publisher's Synopsis
Stars burn hot, bright, and then go out forever. Buttheir legacy remains. Like the smoky haze of a rock-n-roll arena show, a cloudof mystery and intrigue surrounds music's infamous "27 Club." Some of the club'smore famous members include Jim Morrison (The Doors), Janis Joplin, JimiHendrix, Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), and Amy Winehouse, among many others. Thesefallen stars revolutionized music in their youth, only for all of them to die atthe age of 27. Is it a conspiracy, or merely a coincidence?
A rocking crew of fifty-four comics creatorswere challenged to use their favorite song or member of the 27 Club asinspiration for new and original comic stories and vignettes. 27, AComic Anthology is a free-form, funky collection of over 200 pages ofrock-n-roll comics, featuring over twenty-seven new grooves inspired by, and intribute to, the myth and magic of this club of lost stars and their shining,tragic legacy. Edited by Enrica Jang (Red Stylo Media), with introduction by Dr.Dianna Kenny (Sydney University, and author of "Stairway to Hell: life anddeath in the pop music industry")
Originalcomic stories, illustrated essays and art inspired by the musicof:
Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), JimMorrison (The Doors), Janis Joplin, Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones), AlexanderLevy (composer), Robert Johnson, Rudy Lewis (The Drifters), Dave Alexander (TheStooges), Richey Edwards (Manic Street Preachers), Kristen Pfaff (Hole),Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jeremy Michael Ward (Mars Volta), Helmut Kollen(Triumvirat), Mia Zapata (The Gits), Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson (CannedHeat), and more!
A rocking crew of fifty-four comics creatorswere challenged to use their favorite song or member of the 27 Club asinspiration for new and original comic stories and vignettes. 27, AComic Anthology is a free-form, funky collection of over 200 pages ofrock-n-roll comics, featuring over twenty-seven new grooves inspired by, and intribute to, the myth and magic of this club of lost stars and their shining,tragic legacy. Edited by Enrica Jang (Red Stylo Media), with introduction by Dr.Dianna Kenny (Sydney University, and author of "Stairway to Hell: life anddeath in the pop music industry")
Originalcomic stories, illustrated essays and art inspired by the musicof:
Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), JimMorrison (The Doors), Janis Joplin, Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones), AlexanderLevy (composer), Robert Johnson, Rudy Lewis (The Drifters), Dave Alexander (TheStooges), Richey Edwards (Manic Street Preachers), Kristen Pfaff (Hole),Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jeremy Michael Ward (Mars Volta), Helmut Kollen(Triumvirat), Mia Zapata (The Gits), Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson (CannedHeat), and more!