Publisher's Synopsis
Madcap mysteries featuring ladies' man, raconteur, roue, Private Investigator Nick Verriet. Based in Chicago, Illinois, twelve interwoven stories relate Nick Verriet's cases leading up to Christmas Day, 1934. Every story transpires within a day time-frame and finishes with a holiday good-feel ending. Each humor-filled case highlights the protagonist's uncanny ability to be at the wrong place at the right time. Throughout his exploits, Nick manages to maintain a devil-may-care attitude, yet he remains crucially aware of the plight of those struck down by the Stock Market Crash of 1929. During those simpler times, Nick fashions a personal justice based upon an unfaltering sense of fairness, always on the side of the little guy. Reader's relish the era's argot in the page-turner. Short Story Synopsis: Partridge in a Pear Tree: Mr. Partridge is a reclusive millionaire curmudgeon. He summons Nick to Pear Tree mansion to ascertain which staff member has stolen his jewelry. Two Turtle Doves: Nick agrees to help a bunch of kids when their neighborhood fountain shop closes. He uncovers a confidence scheme and employs tough-guy techniques of his own to out-con the cons. Three French Hens: Imagine Nick's delight when he meets three beautiful, single French singers only to discover Grandpapa is a counterfeiter. Four Calling Birds: Nick is shanghaied into a charity drive scavenger hunt only to find someone in his party is a thief. Five Golden Rings: To drive home his point, when something seems too good to be true, it is, to his amanuensis, Nick becomes involved in a stolen car ring. Six Geese-a-Laying: A philandering gynecologist is certain a past love interest has born him a son and is now blackmailing him. He approaches Nick, his neighbor, to solve the case. Seven Swans: The aquatic ballet company, Schuman's Swans, is in town and their owner hires Nick for protection. An easy job quickly turns into a nightmare as the swans disappear one by one. Eight Maids-a-Milking: A rare opportunity to infiltrate the mob is too good to pass up, and when one of the hoods roughs up Nick's secretary, he jumps at the chance to even the score. Nine Ladies Dancing: Nick discovers 'no good deed shall go unpunished' when he becomes the prime suspect in a jewelry heist gone awry at a charity ball. Ten Lords-a-Leaping: Members of the exclusive Chicago Club hire Nick to discover the mastermind behind a blackmail scheme designed to wrest power from the scions of industry. Eleven Pipers Piping: Somebody does not want Sam Armstrong's Jazz Band to play uptown at the Aragon Ballroom, and they're willing to kill for it. Luckily for Sam, Nick is one of his childhood friends. Twelve Drummers Drumming: Nick is hired as a department store Santa to investigate a string of mysterious thefts. He didn't realize getting in the middle of a family feud was part of the job.