Test Your Emotional Intelligence

Test Your Emotional Intelligence Improve Your EQ and Learn How to Impress Potential Employers - Careers & Testing

2nd Edition

eBook (03 Jul 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be aware of one's own emotions and those of other people. In today's workplace more and more companies are using emotional intelligence tests to vet job applicants and assess staff as they recognise that positive behaviours are just as important as technical expertise. Test Your Emotional Intelligence will help you to think about various aspects of your personality and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Each test is followed by analysis and assessment that will help you to develop your potential, build on your strengths and improve on areas of weakness. It will help you to think about your social intelligence, self-confidence, your level of assertiveness as well as your ability to cope under pressure. There are no right or wrong answers, but practising the types of questions you may face will calm nerves and equip you with self knowledge you need to always be one step ahead.

Book information

ISBN: 9780749462314
Publisher: Kogan Page
Imprint: KoganPage
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd Edition
DEWEY: 152.4
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: -1g