Tenía Que Sobrevivir

Tenía Que Sobrevivir Cómo Un Accidente Aéreo En Los Andes Inspiró Mi Vocación Para Salvar Vidas

Paperback (01 Mar 2016) | Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Now available in Spanish. On October 12, 1972, a Uruguayan Air Force plane carrying members of the "Old Christians" rugby team--and many of their friends and family members--crashed into the Andes Mountains. I Had to Survive offers a gripping and heartrending recollection of the harrowing brink-of-death experience that propelled survivor Roberto Canessa to become one of the world's leading pediatric cardiologists. As he tended to his wounded teammates amidst the devastating carnage of the wreck, rugby player Roberto Canessa, a second-year medical student at the time, realized that no one on earth was luckier: he was alive--and for that, he should be eternally grateful. As the starving group struggled beyond the limits of what seemed possible, Canessa played a key role in safeguarding his fellow survivors, eventually trekking with a companion across the hostile mountain range for help. This fine line between life and death became the

Book information

ISBN: 9781476765471
Publisher: Atria Español
Imprint: Atria Español
Pub date:
DEWEY: 363.124092
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 344
Weight: 318g
Height: 211mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 25mm