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Temporality: Culture in the Flow of Human Experience (HC)

Temporality: Culture in the Flow of Human Experience (HC) - Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development

Hardback (30 Apr 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book comes as part of a broader project the first editor is developing in collaboration with the other two, aiming critically to articulate the central philosophical issue of time and temporality with Cultural Psychology and related areas in its frontier. Similarly to the previous milestone in this effort—Otherness in Question: Labyrinths of the Self, published in this same series, the present one we also invited international cast of authors to bring their perspectives about a possible dialogue between a central philosophical issue and the core subject of their respective research domains. The book interests to researchers, scholars, professionals and students in Psychology and its areas of frontier.

Book information

ISBN: 9781623969684
Publisher: Information Age Publishing
Imprint: Information Age Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 522
Weight: 980g
Height: 165mm
Width: 240mm
Spine width: 36mm