Publisher's Synopsis
By reclaiming the passions of our hearts and exploring insightsand ideas, we begin a remembering of ourselves. As we begin toreclaim our wholeness, we also have the capacity to renew andrevitalize our institutions from within.
After a long career of writing and speaking about how living incongruence-without division between inner and outerlife-allows for being present with ourselves and those whojourney with us, Parker Palmer and colleagues at the Center forCourage & Renewal developed a process of shared exploration.This Circle of Trust® approach encourages people to live andwork more authentically within their families, workplaces, andcommunities.
This issue explores the transformative power of engaging in aCircle of Trust. The authors examine its direct applications toteaching and learning, and they explore and discuss the researchbeing done by the facilitators of this work.
This is the 130th volume of this Jossey-Bass highereducation series. New Directions for Teaching and Learningoffers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improvingcollege teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructorsand the latest findings of educational and psychologicalresearchers.