Publisher's Synopsis
Teaching Communication is an innovative series designed to help communication instructors develop a course for the first time or to guide teacher-trainers as they work with new teachers in formal classroom settings or informal mentoring sessions. Providing theoretically grounded research-based guidelines for teaching communication effectively, each volume in the series provides robust suggestions for what to teach and how to teach various communication topics. Volume II: Communication Studies contains a comprehensive and contemporary discussion of topics and issues about the teaching of communication studies. The chapters—written by key voices in the communication discipline—address conceptual as well as practical issues related to communication studies instruction. Opening chapters cover strategies and approaches for teaching introductory, foundational, and core courses, such as public speaking, the hybrid course, communication theory, and research methods. Additional chapters address courses that showcase relational topics and issues, such as interpersonal and family communication, intercultural communication, gender and communication, and nonverbal communication. Others emphasize the importance of communication in professional and workplace contexts (e.g., group and organizational communication), and closing chapters expand communication skills development to public engagement contexts, such as teaching persuasion, health and environmental communication, and ethics. Providing readers with the knowledge and skillsets they need to become effective educators, the Teaching Communication series is an exemplary resource for courses and programs in teaching communication. Chapters and contributors: Series Preface - Deanna D. Sellnow and Michael G. Strawser, Volume II PrefaceChapter 1. Teaching Public Speaking - Lindsey B. AndersonChapter 2. Teaching the Hybrid Introductory Communication Course - Melissa A. Broeckelman-PostChapter 3. Teaching Communication Theory - J. Kevin BargeChapter 4. Teaching Communication Research Methods - Joann Keyton and Pavitra KavyaChapter 5. Teaching Interpersonal Communication - Elizabeth Graham and Scott A. MyersChapter 6. Teaching Family Communication - Dawn O. BraithwaiteChapter 7. Teaching Intercultural Communication - Yea-Wen Chen and Brandi LawlessChapter 8. Teaching Gender and Communication - Meggie Mapes and Alaina WalbergChapter 9. Teaching Nonverbal Communication - Laura K. Guerrero and Valerie ManusovChapter 10. Teaching Mediated Communication Technologies - Nick Bowman, Stephanie Kelly, KJ Rocker, Kyle R. Vareberg, and David WestermanChapter 11. Teaching Business and Professional Communication - Stephen A. Spates and Shawn T. WahlChapter 12. Teaching Organizational Communication and Leadership - Roth Smith and Lance LippertChapter 13. Teaching Group Communication - Angela M. Hosek, Caroline Waldbuesser, and Carly DensmoreChapter 14. Teaching Health Communication - Heather J. Carmack and Margaret M. QuinlanChapter 15. Teaching Political Communication - Jerry L. MillerChapter 16. Teaching Persuasion - Kevin R. Meyer and Stephen K. HuntChapter 17. Teaching Rhetorical Criticism - Jim A. Kuypers, Joseph M. Valenzano, III, and Jason A. EdwardsChapter 18. Teaching Argumentation and Advocacy - Matthew deTarChapter 19. Teaching Sport Communication - Gregory A. Cranmer and Samuel HakimChapter 20. Teaching Environmental Communication - Maria BlevinsChapter 21. Teaching Communication Ethics - Brenden E. Kendall.