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Taylor Swift - Lover

Taylor Swift - Lover Easy Piano Songbook

Paperback (01 Oct 2019)

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Paperback (01 Oct 2019) $51.61

Publisher's Synopsis

(Easy Piano Personality). This songbook features all 18 tracks from Taylor's 2019 blockbuster release. Songs are arranged at an easy piano level with lyrics. Titles include: The Archer * Cornelia Street * Cruel Summer * I Think He Knows * Lover * The Man * ME! * Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince * Paper Rings * Soon You'll Get Better * You Need to Calm Down * and more!

Book information

ISBN: 9781540069627
Publisher: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation
Imprint: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation
Pub date:
DEWEY: 782.42164
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 400g
Height: 249mm
Width: 305mm
Spine width: 6mm