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Tantum ergo, K.142 / Anh.C 3.04: Vocal score

Tantum ergo, K.142 / Anh.C 3.04: Vocal score

Sargeant ed.

Paperback (20 Jan 2012) | Latin

  • $11.24
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Publisher's Synopsis

This work was once credited to Mozart but later discounted as being by him and attributed instead to the composer Jan Zach (1699-1773). Rcent Zach scholarship has largely discredited the idea of Zach being the composer. In any case, this work has remained quite popular for good reason regardless of who the actual composer may have been. This new, beautifully engraved vocal score edited by Richard Sargeant will be welcomed by choruses worldwide interested in performance or study of this delightful piece of Latin church music from Mozart's time.

Book information

ISBN: 9781608740673
Publisher: Serenissima Music
Imprint: Serenissima Music
Pub date:
Edition: Sargeant ed.
Language: Latin
Number of pages: 20
Weight: 50g
Height: 244mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 1mm