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Tales of Folk Horror

Tales of Folk Horror

Paperback (20 Nov 2020)

  • $15.28
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Publisher's Synopsis

Welcome to Tales of Folk Horror, a collection of five classic stories that explore unsettling horror and nameless dread, guaranteed to keep you awake at night.


    Pallinghurst Barrow by Grant AllenThe Black Reaper by Bernard CapesThe Great God Pan by Arthur MachenThe Very Old Folk by H.P. LovecraftThe Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy

These tales draw upon the dark corners of rural life, where ancient fears and unsettling traditions linger. From haunted landscapes to chilling encounters, each story invites you to explore the mysteries that lie beyond the safety of the familiar-some places hold secrets best left undisturbed.

Book information

ISBN: 9780993186677
Publisher: Hungry Eye Books
Imprint: Hungry Eye Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 148
Weight: 168g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 9mm