Publisher's Synopsis
I'm not a demon hunter, and I don't believe we'll be eaten by all things demonic. This could not be further from the truth. I'm writing this book because I've had to deal with the demonic when it's come into contact with me. To advance to the next level, I needed to break through. If we are bringing God's Kingdom to the Earth, it would be absurd for us to believe we will not have to deal with the demonic realm.
Every time I confronted a challenge, God rewarded me with enlightenment that enabled me to overcome. Those revelations are being passed on to you. You are to be a Lord's fighter. Are you prepared for it?
Every day, a large number of Christians are pursuing the devil. When Satan's diabolical domain prevents me from moving forward, I go after the enemy. We are not to pursue the devil himself, according to the Bible. We are to foil his plots and devilish schemes.
There's no need to be afraid of the adversary because Jesus is alive, and He who lives in us is greater than he who lives in the world.
6:11 (Ephesians) Put on the complete armor of God so that you can stand against the devil's schemes.
This book will take you on a journey through some of the most powerful demonic entities ever encountered. I understand that as you begin to read this book, the enemy may try to persuade you not to finish it. Press on and open your heart as you receive God's mysteries of the Demonic Realm if you wish to be a competitor for God's Glory.
God is assembling his army and preparing us to face whatever the devil has in store to prevent us from bringing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. May the insights of the Demonic Realm bless you as you read this book.