THE IMAGE IN THE MIRROR: The Reflection That Inspired The Courage To Live Limitlessly

THE IMAGE IN THE MIRROR: The Reflection That Inspired The Courage To Live Limitlessly - The Image in the Mirror

Paperback (06 Feb 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

And God in His infinite wisdom reached for His canvas, took out His paintbrushes, and started painting. As He masterfully moved the brushes over the canvas creating a kaleidoscope of experiences, He knew that this one would be a showpiece. He intentionally brought the twenty together during the shift - a time when the uncertainty of Covid was dominant and fear knocked at the hearts of most. The final treasure; A Consummate Example of Excellence.

The Image in the Mirror, The Reflection that Inspired the Courage to Live Limitlessly, tells the stories of twenty amazing women who had to weave their way through faith, family and fight to survive. As they traveled through abuse and approval, chaos and comfort, darkness and daylight, deception and devotion, loss and love, neglect and nurture, pain and purpose, they struggled to see themselves past their natural reflection. But one day, they finally looked past the fog of their retina and recognized the spiritual reflection of a child of The King. It was only then that they saw their Image as how God sees them.

An awe-inspiring, impressive, and collaborative masterpiece of twists, turns, and truth-telling to accept beauty past the physical; The Image in the Mirror is bound to take you in time to a place of Faith, Hope, Healing, and Love. What these authors were able to express as they wrote during the worse pandemic of our generation is proof that God does His best work during the storms.

Book information

ISBN: 9781952756160
Publisher: Victorious You Press
Imprint: Victorious You Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 356g
Height: 151mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 17mm