Publisher's Synopsis
Introducing a bespoke, award-winning Reading Scheme satisfying Reading Age: 8+︱Interest Age: 7-11.
The scheme follows many years of research, development and pilot work in and out of the school setting, supported by the Welsh/UK Government.
The scheme developed in collaboration with experienced educators, parents, caregivers, librarians and the target audience: the children.
The cross-curricular content offers a systematic, fun and creative approach to language learning within a literacy-rich curriculum.
Comprehensive GUIDES for EDUCATORS that support the Flitlit package facilitates mainstream and homeschooling; and blended learning.
The Flitlit concept encourages the learning of the language of text, storytelling and the identification and synthesising of speech, sounds and patterns.
Providers of Education in and out of the classroom environment are invited to identify sections of this guide that relate most closely to the courses that they teach, and that may be adapted to the specific context of their programmes.
The content may be adapted as needed within courses that are specific, or infused into other courses within the context of a curriculum.
The FLITLIT CONCEPT grew from a series of bilingual stories written in a humorous, lyrical format, with the content bridging a divide between picture books and early chapter novels.
Age-appropriate page by page illustrations aid juxtaposition exercises and the needs of a considerable number of visual learners in and out of the school setting.
The concept offers tiered instruction that satisfies a range of needs and abilities within classrooms, homes and libraries. The scheme is committed to the advancement of literacy skills and to assisting students in becoming more creative and capable of developing innovative solutions to problems.
A choice of supported and confident reading titles, that offer tiered instruction, support multicultural classroom needs and second language learning.
All supported reading titles link to page-by-page glossaries that provide invaluable study opportunities.
The Flitlit concept enhances pupils' analytical and critical capacities; their ability to synthesise ideas and adapt to new situations.
Enhanced skills and attributes help them to succeed in a wide range of tasks and responsibilities and to contribute to the society in which they live.
The ethereal setting of Seldom See is a land lost in time. The land is laid out in plots named Fussbut, so named since young learners may fuss but access it only through the power of their imagination.
Current and pending resources, including lesson plans, contribute to an evolving multi-modal package that assists multi-platform, cross-curricular learning.
The Flitlit concept featured at Gamescom, Cologne, having won a prestigious international competition set by the Frankfurt Book Fair.
The concept represented the UK among five international winners.