Synopsis Purioris Theologiae / Synopsis of a Purer Theology

Synopsis Purioris Theologiae / Synopsis of a Purer Theology Latin Text and English Translation: Volume 3, Disputations 43 - 52 - Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions / Texts and Sources

Hardback (23 Jul 2020)

  • $137.53
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Publisher's Synopsis

This bilingual edition of the Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) provides English readers access to an influential textbook of Reformed Orthodoxy. Composed by four professors at the University of Leiden (Johannes Polyander, Andreas Rivetus, Antonius Walaeus, and Anthonius Thysius), it offers a presentation of Reformed theology as it was conceived in the first decades of the seventeenth century. From a decidedly Reformed perspective, the Christian doctrine is defined in contrast with alternative or diverging views, such as those of Roman Catholics, Arminians, and Socinians. The Synopsis responds to challenges coming from the immediate theological, social, and philosophical contexts. The disputations in this the third volume cover such topics as the sacraments, church discipline, the role of civil authorities, and eschatology. This volume also presents a thorough historical and theological introduction to the whole of the Synopsis.

About the Publisher


Founded in 1683, Brill is a publishing house with a rich history and a strong international focus. The company's head office is in Leiden, (The Netherlands) with a branch office in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). Brill's publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences.

Book information

ISBN: 9789004329966
Publisher: Brill
Imprint: Brill
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: 1202g
Height: 235mm
Width: 155mm