Publisher's Synopsis
Continue the quest of this enthralling epic tale of swords and sorcery in part six of the 'Fair Folk' Chronicles. This extraordinary legend resumes as King Arthur fears the worst for his son Sir Mordred. Now taken by sorcery to the abyss of the 'Underworld' Sir Mordred must face the dark Lord Pwyll alone. There seems to be no hope as the 'Fair Folk' sorcerer Wise Merlin explains that they will do nothing to aid the Prince in his darkest hour. Both in sadness and in rage the High King blames the mysterious 'Fair Folk' for the loss of his beloved son, have the 'Fair Folk' given up, will Wise Merlin go against his people? Will Sir Mordred return unaided or shall he be turned into a minion of the Lord of the 'Underworld'? Darkness rules and Morgan Le Fay is the instigator of all things using her dark arts and sorcery to ensure her master Lord Pwyll will rule the beautiful Land of Lloegres and her son will become High King but does she have the power to achieve it... read on. With their constant gaze from the Crystal Castle of Avalon the 'Fair Folk' observe the World of Men. They 'see' all in the Queen of Norgales' cauldron but yet the High Necromancer of Avalon, Math Mathonwy seems to be holding back, but why so when he has great sorcery at his finger tips? His great grandson the 'Fair Folk' Sir Galahad is now upon the quest to heal the Land of Lloegres and sip of the Grail Cup, the White Knight was given the 'Seal of the 'Fair Folk' by King Arthur himself but will it aid him upon this arduous quest, what fateful ordeals must the young Knight endure? This Arthurian, highly gripping legend is like no other, it is all here - love, violence, murder, mystery, betrayal, sorcery, loyalty and enchantments. Good versus evil and light versus darkness bound in a cloak of the frightening supernatural... Many tales within tales are told herein of death and glory and joy and sadness. This epic account spans three worlds, the mystical world of the 'Fair Folk', the supernatural lands of the 'Underworld' where the demon King Lord Pwyll rules and the habitual world of men. Continue the quest in Part Six... This brilliant re-telling of the timeless tales of King Arthur and his Knights is a "must read." Not only is the text vibrant and fresh, the author breathes new life into the characters and creates a world of harsh, brutal reality and enchanting, mystical sorcery. The epic novel is beautifully detailed, graphically portrayed and the writing is gritty, lyrical and erotic. - DPDOT.COM Such was my pleasure at reading this book that I was unable to place it back upon the shelf until I had partaken and consumed all that was within it. It took me out of my life to a different realm from which I was saddened to return. The magic and mystery enchanted my being, lifting me from the drudgery of day. So t'will be good to travel again whenever I need to be freed. - Chris Jackson Astounding books to read, so full of adventure and excitement! There is a lot of emotions and so much going on! The story itself is just amazing! I would thoroughly recommend it. There is a lot of sadness and tears and hope and glory. These books are a joy to read. - Tony Rowlett