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Swann's Way: Remembrance of Things Past, or In Search of Lost Time (Volume One) (Hardcover)

Swann's Way: Remembrance of Things Past, or In Search of Lost Time (Volume One) (Hardcover)

Hardback (06 Jun 2018)

  • $42.91
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Paperback (06 Jun 2018) $24.17

Publisher's Synopsis

Marcel Proust's classic novel Swann's Way is replete with recollections of the distant past. This is the first volume of the acclaimed series: Remembrance of Things Past, also named In Search of Lost Time. Originally written and published in 1909, this premier entry in Proust's series contains some of the finest prose fiction Proust ever authored. Although lengthy, no sacrifice is made with the signature style Proust had cultivated by the time he commenced Swann's Way - recollections are written relentlessly, of places, names, items and other such paraphernalia of life. The narrator gradually builds up a plot surrounding his own life and activities. The titular character, Charles Swann is an associate of the narrator's family who receives particular interest in the story. The first scene recounts a dinner in which Swann was in attendance, noting his characteristics. By stages, a compelling story unfolds with Swann's affections for the former courtesan Odette de Crecy explored.

Book information

ISBN: 9781387863495
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 290
Weight: 594g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 21mm