Publisher's Synopsis
In the final book of the Swan Maiden trilogy, young warrior Traeth of Rhune steals the feathered cloak and heart of Arrah after she escapes from Myr to her freedom one night, but Traeth must face the wrath of the Swan Sisters after the abduction of one of their own.
In the misty moonlight of Myr, Arrah swam through the waters as black as satin straight into her freedom. When the young warrior Traeth of Rhune stole her magical feathered cloak from the shore, he found in it the twinkling of an eye, sealing both their destinies. Headstrong and bold, Traeth seizes the helpless Arrah and carries her to Rhune Castle, the world of men, where the handsome knight showers her with gifts and kisses, revealing a wild passion between mortal and the swan maiden--the other-world beauty he vows to never let go. But such a dire crime means fearsome penalties, and the unescapable wrath of the Swan Sister's looms over Traeth, as they declare he will die if he cannot complete one extraordinary quest: find what all women desire most. His journey tests his courage, draws him through secret kingdoms, and sends him deep into the unexplored regions of his own soul, but he will only be able to grasp the answer he seeks if he comes to understand just how love can release, and imprison, even the toughest of knights.