Swallowing the Entire Ocean

Swallowing the Entire Ocean

Paperback (12 Mar 2019)

  • $12.67
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Publisher's Synopsis

Written between August 2017 and January 2019, these poems are concerned with the search for meaning, identity and truth, and other foolhardy adventures. "Dovetails bittersweet poetry with a sublimely observant wit" - The Guardian"The Alan Bennett of poetry." - The Scotsman

Book information

ISBN: 9781999670788
Publisher: Flapjack Press
Imprint: Flapjack Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 821.914
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 115
Weight: 152g
Height: 199mm
Width: 136mm
Spine width: 12mm