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Surrounded by Love

Surrounded by Love One Family's Journey Through Stroke Recovery

Hardback (14 Jun 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

No one expects a catastrophic event to befall their family, especially on Christmas Day. One moment, life was normal, and in the next, our family was completely

and forever changed when my husband, Mark, suffered four strokes. This book takes you on the rollercoaster journey of stroke recovery, both the physical and emotional aspects. We came through this with our faith in God strengthened thanks to our family, friends, and neighbors who surrounded us in love and prayer.

This book is not only a testament to love and faith but also a guide for others who are caring for a critically ill family member. Difficult topics are covered, including grieving a loved one who is still alive and how to thrive as a caregiver (the toughest job in the world). My hope is that if you are on your own difficult journey caring for a disabled or critically ill loved one, you will find inspiration and guidance from my family's story.

Book information

ISBN: 9781961781498
Publisher: Performance Publishing Group
Imprint: Performance Publishing Group
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 140
Weight: 327g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 11mm