Publisher's Synopsis
"Never tempt fate. It has a way of biting you beneath the armor." - Xolian saying Captain Quinn has always been the savior, rescuing his little human mate Del from every unlikely predicament. Even with Quinn's protective nature and Del's tendency to find trouble, they balance each other. The mated pair are ecstatic, anxiously awaiting the birth of their twins, when disaster strikes. A mysterious illness waylays the Captain, leaving Del in charge. Being the Captain leaves Del in a bind--pregnant, a magnet for trouble, Del struggles to find his feet and keep everyone safe. All their lives are deeply impacted by Del's command decision to seek assistance from an old enemy. Brync and Kai fear Kai's parents won't accept their blossoming relationship. When Kai is ordered to return home Brync must make the decision of his life. Rathian Raider Hastor, annoyed that he's been mated to a Xolian, plans to ignore the spoiled, whiny, green-eyed alien until he dies from exposure to the desert climate. But Braxx may be more interesting and resilient than Hastor first expected. Now if those babies would just arrive on time and follow their fathers well laid out plan, life could get back to normal. "Super...sassy and sweet with a rush of danger all rolled into one book!" Five star review of Gravitational Forces, Book 2 of the Mated to the Captain Series