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Sumptuous Food from the Heart of France to the Cape

Paperback (02 Apr 2014)

  • $32.92
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Publisher's Synopsis

'The bright yellow sunflowers in the fields around Charroux, the smell of roasting chestnuts, rich onion soup, a classic salad Nicoise, cassoulet or pot au feu, fennel and endive, lemn tarts, malva pudding and the wild food of the places where I live ... Walks down narrow country lanes, wild beaches and cobbled streets ... Times with special people over simple meals ... This I want to share with you.' - Marlene van der Westhuizen

More wonderful recipes from Marlene van der Westhuizen's French cooking school.

Book information

ISBN: 9781920434106
Publisher: Bookstorm
Imprint: Bookstorm
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 1096g
Height: 282mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 19mm