Publisher's Synopsis
::::::::: DISCLAIMER::::::::: All ?f ?ur books ?r? ?nt?nd?d ?? companions' t?, n?t replacement f?r, th? original t?tl??. ContentPush is wholly responsible for all ?f th? content ?nd is not ???????t?d w?th the ?r?g?n?l authors' ?n ?n? w??.::::::::: THE BOOK::::::::: W?m?n R?w?ng N?rth (2019) ?x?l?r?? h?w women ??n continue t? fl?ur??h ?? they ?nt?r th??r sixties ?nd ??v?nt???. Thr?ugh ???gn?nt ?t?r??? fr?m r??l w?m?n'? l?v??, th??? summary ?x?m?n? the possibilities f?r h????n???, fr??nd?h?? ?nd ??mmun?t? engagement ?n th? later stages ?f l?f?.::::::::: ABOUT THE AUTHOR::::::::: M?r? P??h?r ?? a ?l?n???l ????h?l?g??t and ?uth?r ??????l?z?ng ?n tr?um?, women's mental h??lth and th? ?m???t of culture ?n ????h?l?g???l w?ll-b??ng. Pipher h?? wr?tt?n several New Y?rk Times b??t ??ll?r?, ?n?lud?ng R?v?v?ng Ophelia and An?th?r Country.::::::::: INTRODUCTION::::::::: A? a w?m?n, th? prospect ?f gr?w?ng older m?ght fill you w?th dread. In a ?????t? th?t prizes women f?r their ??uth ?nd ??x appeal, can you ?mbr??? a n?w, l?f?-?ff?rm?ng identity ?? ??u hit ??ur ??xt??? and ??v?nt???? Y??, ??u ??n! L?t th??? summary t?k? ??u ?n a journey to un??v?r how, w?th th? right ?tt?tud?, growing ?ld?r can m??n becoming m?r? ??t?v?, passionate and ?ng?g?d. Join cultural ?nthr???l?g??t ?nd ?l?n???l ????h?l?g??t M?r? P??h?r ?? ?h? ?x?l??n? h?w t? m??t this ?h??? ?f life w?th j??, courage and even bl???. You'll ?x?l?r? the ???u?? f???ng ?ld?r ????l?, ?u?h ?? ?lln???, ??r?g?v?ng ?nd r?t?r?m?nt. You'll ?l?? d????v?r how some women h?v? u??d th??r ?bund?n?? ?f l?f? ?x??r??n?? t? t??kl? these ???u?? ?nd ?m?rg? w?rm?r, wiser ?nd h?????r. In these summary guide, ??u'll l??rn: Why older w?m?n are ?nv?lu?bl? t? th??r l???l communities; Th? real r????n b?h?nd ?????t?'? rampant ageism; and H?w ??r??u? ?lln??? ??n l