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Sudoku Puzzle Book for Adults - 300 Puzzles - Easy: Large Print Sudoku Puzzles for Beginners

Sudoku Puzzle Book for Adults - 300 Puzzles - Easy: Large Print Sudoku Puzzles for Beginners

Paperback (20 Feb 2021)

  • $10.43
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Publisher's Synopsis

Large Print Sudoku Puzzles for Beginners

The goal of Sudoku 9x9 puzzle is to fill in the empty cells so that each row, each column, and each 3x3 box has no repeat digits from 1 to 9.

This book includes 300 Sudoku puzzles that are easy to solve. Though it has4 puzzles per page, the fonts and numbers are large and easy to read.

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Book information

ISBN: 9798711841326
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 102
Weight: 191g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 5mm