Studies on Sufism in Central Asia

Studies on Sufism in Central Asia - Variorum Collected Studies Series

Hardback (06 Dec 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Studies on Sufism in Central Asia reproduces 12 studies which explore previously unstudied sources with an eye to identifying prominent developments in the social and organizational history of the major Sufi groupings of the region; The chronological range reflected in the studies included here runs from the 13th century to the 17th, with a somewhat uneven distribution between the earlier half of the period (13th-15th centuries, with six articles, Nos. II, IV, V, VII, VIII, and XI) and the later half (16th-17th centuries, with four pieces, Nos. III, IX, X, XII), and two studies (Nos. I and VI) spanning the entire period. In terms of specific Sufi traditions, the studies included here reflect DeWeese's attention to groups and individuals that might be identified (despite the focus of some of his more recent work on questioning the use and meaning of such labels) as KubravÄ&«, YasavÄ&«, and KhwājagānÄ&«/NaqshbandÄ&«, with four studies focused entirely on 'KubravÄ&«' circles (Nos. I, II, V, XI), five on 'YasavÄ&«' subjects (Nos. III, VII, IX, X, XII), and one on the Khwājagān (No. VIII), as well as one dealing with YasavÄ&«-NaqshbandÄ&« relations (No. VI) and another exploring a group that falls outside these labels (No. IV). KhwājagānÄ&« and NaqshbandÄ&« history has a strong 'background' presence, nevertheless, in five other articles (Nos. I, III, IV, VII, and IX), reflecting the steady rise of the NaqshbandÄ&«ya to predominance among Central Asian Sufi traditions.

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Book information

ISBN: 9781409443926
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Pub date:
DEWEY: 297.40958
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 374
Weight: 774g
Height: 230mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 29mm