Publisher's Synopsis
America is suffering from a debt crisis, cased by insane levels of student loans. Wages have only increased 67% since 1970, yet student loans are exploding to record levels, year after year. This, along with soaring cost of living, has made it nearly impossible for ordinary millennials who go to college, to become financially independent in the richest country on earth. If you go to college and study most degrees and use the information you learned in your degree in the workforce, the American dream is dead. As an entrepreneur who's looking to hire millennials, I can tell you that most graduates don't have a clue how to help my businesses.Not only that, they're in a constant state of fear and panic. Even if I pay them a great wage, they can't afford to make ends meet due to their obscene student loans, often at high interest rates. They're trying to get married, buy a house and have kids, yet their crippling loans makes it impossible.Many millennials are ostracised from the dating scene, because they're simply too poor from student loans to date. It's affecting their self-image, self esteem and confidence. 1.Total student loan debt is over $1.5 Trillion2.College tuition has increased 213% since 19803.More than 3 million people aged 65+ are still paying off their student loans4.As of May 2018, 101 people owe at least $1m in unpaid student loans5.Black families carry more debt than white families and they're more likely to default on their loans.6.40% of student will default on their loans by 20237.49% of total loan value in bankruptcies are student loans. They're unforgivable by bankruptcy 8.13% of of Americans surveyed last year said they've decided not to have kids because their student loan debt is so high9.Student loan defaults are higher than the 2008 mortgage crisis10.50% of millennials think college wasn't worthwhileThis message is for concerned parents who worry about the future of their children/teenagers. It's also for people worried if going to college/university in the 21st century will help them get ahead in life. It's also for people stuck in a student loan crisis, looking to finally learn how to create a high income. I'm writing this because I wish someone gave me this advice when I was 16 and I was being shouted at for not going to university. I was told that I'd never be successful. I was told that my life would be so miserable, it wouldn't be worth living. I believe that college died a painful death this century. No longer does a child need a formal education to get ahead in life. College in the United States of America has turned into a horrible scam, enriching a few at the top of the pyramid, while the teachers and students suffer. Do you think the children of the people that own these colleges go to university? The children of people making 10's of millions of dollars per year?It's turned middle class children of the future into debt slaves. Unless these debt slaves somehow find a way to produce an exceptionally high income, they'll never be able to create the levels of upward social mobility seen before in previous generations. Parents know it, kids know it, college has turned into a scam. Unless you want to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, nurse, or something that needs a degree, you're better off not signing the dotted line on a 6-figure loan. From the statistics you'll see and learn about in this book, even a high income career isn't enough. Not only do I show the problems, I provide solutions. This could be the book that helps you finally sell them on the idea that you don't need to go to college/university to become successful. I was able to become successful without crippling loans. I want the same for you too.