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Structural Health Monitoring System for Synthetic, Hybrid and Natural Fiber Composites

Structural Health Monitoring System for Synthetic, Hybrid and Natural Fiber Composites - Composites Science and Technology

Paperback (07 Dec 2021)

  • $151.76
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Hardback (06 Dec 2020) $151.76

Publisher's Synopsis

This book covers the basic principle and challenges of structural health monitoring system for natural fibre and the hybrid composites structural materials in industrial applications, such as building, automotive, aerospace and wind turbine. Structural health monitoring (SHM) has become crucial in evaluating the performance of structural application in recent trends, especially since it is in line with the high-tech strategy of Industry 4.0. It is a system that is operated in real time or in an online situation. Hence, it also has advantages for damage detection, damage localisation, damage assessment and life prediction compared to the non-destructive test (NDT) which is conducted offline. The book covers the monitoring of the composite materials in terms of structural properties and damage evaluation through modelling and prediction of failure in composite. It includes recent examples and real-world engineering application to illustrate the understanding of the current technology application. The book benefits lecturers, students, researchers, engineers and industrialist who are working in the civil, aerospace and wind turbine industries.

Book information

ISBN: 9789811588426
Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore
Imprint: Springer
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 229
Weight: 445g
Height: 235mm
Width: 155mm