Publisher's Synopsis
Welcome to the stroke club, I know this is not the club you ever wanted to join, but to make it better, how about the stroke survivor club? This book is book one in a six-part series helping you learn about life after stroke. Book one is "Who" most of all"who are you." Who were you" and "Who are you going to be post-stroke." You are injured, you need time to heal." If we can help you answer some of the millions of questions running through your recovering mind. Then we have done our job as warriors. Please take your time and read at your new pace. Welcome to your recovery and new normal! You are a newbie. It is our job to take you from a newbie to survivor to warrior. I consider myself a warrior because I have made it my mission in life to fight for those that have given up the fight to keep living. Don't ever think that you are alone in this fight. Warriors are always just a click or a call away. God Speed on your recovery!