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Strawberry Roan

Strawberry Roan

Paperback (17 Sep 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

' "Strawberry Roan", the title-part of the story, is a splendid heifer, round whose career, from her calfhood, through her various changes of ownership to her achievement of renown as a champion milker and her final return to the little farmer who bred her, are woven the fortunes of a crowd of Wiltshire folk and the troubles of the land. All are life-like people; and the rustics are stamped with the true country mark. The book abounds in vivid sketches of the life of the farm, of sport and play, of the humours of the village street and the market town, all bearing the mark of first-hand knowledge.' Times Literary Supplement

Strawberry Roan, like A. G. Street's other works, concerns life in the countryside and has at its heart Strawberry Roan, a cow that belongs to Mr Dibben, the local baker and grocer in Coombe Wallop in Wiltshire. Like Black Beauty before her Strawberry Roan's life from birth to old age is chartered and Street's rural writing brings alive the ways of the country and the troubles that were faced. First published in 1932 Strawberry Roan is a faithful chronicle of the rustic ways of the countryside.

About the Publisher

Faber & Faber

Faber and Faber is one of the last of the great independent publishing houses in London. With the great depth of its backlist, featuring books by no fewer than twelve Nobel Laureates and six Booker Prize-winners, a thriving frontlist and ever-growing e-book list, and new ventures including the print-on-demand Faber Finds imprint, Faber Digital (publisher of the award-winning The Waste Land for iPad App), Faber Academy (the creative writing school), as well as Faber Factory Powered by Constellation, and Faber Factory Plus, the company continues to go from strength to strength.

Book information

ISBN: 9780571254071
Publisher: Faber & Faber
Imprint: Faber & Faber
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 196
Weight: 220g
Height: 210mm
Width: 128mm
Spine width: 17mm