Publisher's Synopsis
STOP/BACK UP/GROW is based on the idea that personal growth is easy and doable, provided the reader is willing to make changes and "back up" to do the "pre-work" that is required. The book describes invisible barricades to growth, strategies to discover personal belief systems and practical techniques to help readers make changes required for growth. Readers gain more awareness of their current situations, learn to take ownership of their lives - and create a motivational roadmap for growth, empowering them to take whatever action is necessary to succeed and move forward.
STOP/BACK UP/GROW really is as easy as falling down and this book is a great fit on the bookshelves of businesspeople and entrepreneurs, but it also belongs in the hands of anyone ready to move forward in a purposeful and meaningful way.
Stop/Back Up/Grow is full of inspiration, honesty and common sense. This book is a short, easy-to-read, motivational book that will lead to success for every reader who follows Paul's advice. He is not only a great storyteller, he understands the fundamentals of success and wastes no time showing the reader just how to achieve it. Taking ownership in our lives is important and this book makes that much easier. It makes no difference in how you define growth, this book will deliver results. It is a powerful read at a time when so many people can use one.
Ivan R. Misner, Ph.D.
Founder of BNI and New York Times Bestselling Author
My takeaway from Stop/Back up/Grow is that we can all do better with lifestyle changes and an awareness of our weaknesses.
Dr. David Edmonds
Senior Fulbright Professor of Economics and academic dean
Succinct and common sense approach to incorporate sound fundamental truths - second to none. Stop/Back up/Grow is funny, entertaining and told by a great storyteller.
Jinifer Argo, MTSE, DBA
United States Marine Corps
Paul J. Angelle Jr., J.D. has a deep understanding of what makes a personal growth and motivational book resonate. His varied professional background has provided opportunity to work as an attorney, a sports photographer, an editor and a publisher. Paul's work has been featured in multiple local, state and national publications, including Sports Illustrated, The Times Picayune and many more. With deep Louisiana roots, he has been a political columnist, a sports writer and founder/publisher/editor of Quick Slants Magazine, a regional sports publication.
Paul is an active member of BNI and is known far and wide for his "always informative and sometimes appropriate" educational moments and presentations. Paul continues to work full-time in a Louisiana law firm and is father to four children. He is a former baseball coach for his sons' teams and lives with his wife Dawn on their small farm in Sunset, Louisiana.