Publisher's Synopsis
Ever wonder what it's really like in the hospital for a patient or the healthcare workers during the novel coronavirus pandemic? Family members aren't allowed in to see their loved ones, even in their last moments on earth. Patients die alone, with just the ICU nurses by their sides. There aren't enough intensive care beds, ventilators, CRNAs, ICU nurses, respiratory therapists, doctors, medications or supplies to keep up with the surge of COVID-19 patients in this pandemic. The ER is backed up and overflowing with coronavirus patients needing life support to help them breathe. This book provides a true first-hand account of the harsh reality on the frontlines of such a battle in a hotspot. It provides a perspective you can't get without actually being there. Real thoughts, experiences and fears of a frontline healthcare provider putting herself at risk during the height of the coronavirus surge, when the healthcare system was pushed to its breaking point. Some say it's all a hoax or overblown, but you will read actual chilling events from a CRNA who experienced it up close and all too personal in the epicenter of Michigan's COVID-19 hotspot. This suspenseful, fast, easy read will keep you wanting more as you feel you are there in the ICU, too. COVID-19 is all over the media, but most people will never know the worst case scenario until you read what actually happens if the restrictions aren't followed. This takes place in the very beginning of the Detroit coronavirus pandemic before the social distancing measures were in place and shows what would continue to happen without the restrictions. So much happens in such a short period of time as you read hour by hour what this Detroit CRNA experienced in the scariest and most unusual days of her career. This isn't a boring medical read full of statistics-it is fast paced and vivid like a suspenseful thriller movie. It is sprinkled with moments of humor and vulnerability from a concerned mother who volunteered to leave her small children to serve in the pandemic. You will be scared, you will be moved as you get an inside look at something you hoped to never experience but always wondered about. You will know the coronavirus is more than another flu after you step into the storm.Here are some reviews of Stepping Into the Storm: "This book is a thriller in the best possible sense. It is a story told from first-person perspective that moves quickly with hardly a wasted word. We are not only right there with the author, we ARE the author, knowing what she knows, feeling what she feels, struggling to cope along with her, sharing in her own inner growth as the experience unfolds. It's the kind of book that's read in a single night, and like a thrill park ride seems all too brief. Powerful story telling.""A quick read- it is so good you won't be able to put it down. The author excelled at making me feel like I was right next to her caring for the patients. She also was vulnerable and brought you on her emotional roller coaster caused by the havoc of this awful new virus. As a medical professional myself, she provided a real life account of what truly happened in our hospitals nationwide. Great read- definitely worth the money and your time- grab a copy!""This book feels alive in the pit of your stomach. Man's battle against a faceless enemy feels hopeless and the warriors helpless. Pandemics are no joke whether they are written as fiction or not. Well done.""Excellent read! Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. This manuscript is well written and although fictional, I was drawn right into the realness of this situation that so many heroic healthcare providers have faced across our nation and around the world during these past few months."