Publisher's Synopsis
This book explores personal experiences, as well as the seven major steps in starting and managing three transitional houses. When the author first began his work in transitional housing, like many people who desire to start and manage a transitional house, he had no idea where to start to find the answers to those three pertinent questions. In time, however, by networking and consulting with experts in the field, he developed what some consider one of the best ways. Knowing where to start, what to do in particular situations and the sequence of steps to take to start a successful transitional house will help ensure the house best serves the men and women who pass through its doors. This book not only provides credible answers to the three introductory questions, but also addresses numerous concerns common to working with men and women coming out of prison. During the past 30 years, statistics note a meteoric rise in the number of individuals serving time in U.S. prisons. "The most recent figures put 2.2 million Americans behind bars, and the number is increasing". At some point, approximately 95% of state prisoners will be released back into the communities. Of these individuals, about 2/3 will be re-arrested. To successfully transition from prison to the community, these individuals need help. These men and women need transitional houses. So does the community. Our communities also need those planning to start or manage a transitional house to know the answers about where to start; what to do; what steps to take. This book offers valuable, vital answers and relevant insight for those who want to serve those who need help.