Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel

Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel

7th Edition

Hardback (08 Mar 2013)

  • $330.69
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Publisher's Synopsis

Intended primarily for undergraduate courses in business statistics, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals.
Reducing the emphasis on doing computations, this practical text thoroughly integrates Microsoft® Excel as a tool for analysis and presents statistical concepts in the context of the functional areas of business.


0133130800 / 9780133130805 Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel Plus MyStatLab -- Access Card Package

Package consists of:   

0133061817 / 9780133061819 Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel

0133074382 / 9780133074383 MyStatLab -- Standalone Access Card -- for Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel


Book information

ISBN: 9780133061819
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Pearson
Pub date:
Edition: 7th Edition
DEWEY: 519.50285554
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 757
Weight: 1700g
Height: 276mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 10mm