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Standards for Supporting Crop-Related Livelihoods in Emergencies Arabic

Standards for Supporting Crop-Related Livelihoods in Emergencies Arabic - Humanitarian Standards

Paperback (30 Sep 2024) | Arabic

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Publisher's Synopsis

Millions of people around the world who are vulnerable to crises rely heavily on crop production to support their livelihoods. Currently, 40% of the global poor live in economies affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. That number is expected to rise to 67% in the next decade (World Bank 2021). SEADS is a set of international principles and minimum standards for crop-related crisis responses. The Handbook enables those responding to humanitarian crises to design, implement, and evaluate crop-related interventions to strengthen the livelihoods of farming communities, support preparedness and post-emergency recovery, and increase the resilience of households, communities, and systems. SEADS helps users to: determine if a crop-related response is appropriate, necessary, and feasible; prioritize which crop-related response area may achieve livelihood objectives given the context; track alignment of projects with standards; measure impact from crop-related crisis response.

Book information

ISBN: 9781788534635
Publisher: Practical Action Publishing
Imprint: Practical Action Publishing
Pub date:
Language: Arabic
Number of pages: 238
Weight: 250g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 11mm