Spiritual Science

Spiritual Science

Paperback (12 Jul 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

For centuries the prevailing western worldview has been built upon the materialistic, mechanical model of Isaac Newton - a clockwork Universe composed of separate particles of matter interacting according to precise physical laws and existing within objective dimensions of space and time. This model has long succeeded in describing many facets of our multi-faceted reality, but increasingly since the revelations of Einstein and the paradigm-crushing implications of quantum physics, Newton's world is quietly fading from view and being replaced by a more spiritual science. Topics covered include: Quantum Physics, Consciousness, The Holographic Universe, Morphic Fields, The Human Energy Body, Psychoneuroimmunology, Chi, Chakras, Meridians, Acupuncture, Auras, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Remote Viewing, Precognition, Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, Entheogens, Death, Ghosts, Reincarnation, God, Tao, Brahma, Void, Infinite Consciousness, and Oneness

Book information

ISBN: 9781105940743
Publisher: Lulu Press
Imprint: Lulu.com
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 286
Weight: 513g
Height: 246mm
Width: 189mm
Spine width: 15mm