Publisher's Synopsis
The first Christians "went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the Word through accompanying signs" (Mark 16:20). The book of Acts is filled with examples of God's intimate presence and involvement in the life of the early Church. The Holy Spirit anointed the gospel message and presented Jesus Christ alive to those who heard the good news. The sick were healed, demons were cast out, and the dead were raised. The Church, with convincing power, bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.The objective of this book is to inspire the reader to hunger for and experience the presence of God in the same way as the first Christians in the Book of Acts. The lessons and examples presented in this book are not simply academic in nature but were experienced in the author's life as a pastor and minister working with people over the years. Part One defines and explains the gifts and supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit and gives first-hand testimonials. Part Two helps the reader to understand the prophetic ministry as practiced in the lives of the first Christians. Part Three gives a clear teaching to help the reader understand praying in tongues and its role in aiding the believer in a deeper experience of intercessory prayer and praise. A careful reading of this book will bring clarity and remove misconceptions relating to the role of spiritual gifts, prophesying, and tongues in the New Testament Church.