Speech-Language Pathology Assistants

Speech-Language Pathology Assistants A Resource Manual

Third edition

Paperback (15 Feb 2023)

  • $102.43
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Publisher's Synopsis

The third edition of 'Speech-Language Pathology Assistants' is an essential, practical and easy-to-use resource for SLPAs and SLPA educators and their students. The text defines the roles of SLPAs and their supervisors - offering additional insight into the scope of practice of an SLPA per current American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) recommendations - and includes discussions, strategies and examples of real-world issues, such as using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Book information

ISBN: 9781635504156
Publisher: Plural Publishing
Imprint: Plural Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: Third edition
DEWEY: 616.855
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 600
Weight: 1096g
Height: 184mm
Width: 267mm
Spine width: 35mm