Publisher's Synopsis
Final-year university students Jonah and Ellen face life-threatening illness together-and discover love. As their love deepens, they embrace intimacy and creativity, courage and honesty, joy and pride.
A compelling reminder that-along the songlines of the cancer journey-when the patient is held at the centrepoint of care, and when professional and personal caregivers work as partners with profound skill and compassion, a beautiful story unfolds. Songlines is that story.
This is emeritus professor of pediatric oncology and palliative care John Graham-Pole's third novel in his trilogy inspired by young people with cancer. It evokes an abundance of compassion, know-how, humour, and hope.
A poignant tough-love story of courage and nobility - Sheldon Currie, PhD
Meaning making inspires Ellen: 'Every act of loving care to another would be an act of healing for herself.' - Barbara Heatley-O'Neil, RN, MAdEd
A lovely tale about love and care for one in greatest need - William Slayton, MD