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Society Inciting

Society Inciting Sovereign Magi Society - Book 3

Paperback (20 Apr 2017)

  • $17.74
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Publisher's Synopsis

Having made significant strides in rebuilding the Sovereign Magi Society, a small group of dedicated but still relatively inexperienced magic users have little time to enjoy their accomplishments. Recent successes bring the promise of powerful magical weapons, artifacts, spellbooks, and much more. However, the struggle to rebuild the Magi Society is far from over. The emperor's agents have been hard at work hunting Magi in every city throughout the empire, and the entire weight of the imperial army may soon be sent against them. Yet, that may not be their biggest concern, as the Magi may also face all-out war with a race of magical creatures called the Rolimi. While the Magi and the emperor focus on each other, neither fully realize the ever-growing threat posed by the necromancers, led by the ruthless Lord Jalinox. The people poised to suffer the most are the innocent folks throughout the lands who are viewed as pawns to be used and exploited by two sides of a three sided war.

Book information

ISBN: 9780692881460
Publisher: Tj Vensarn
Imprint: Tj Vensarn
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 324
Weight: 435g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 17mm