So, You Say You're a Christian

So, You Say You're a Christian

Hardback (19 Jun 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Everyone sins. It is human nature in a fallen world. For followers of Jesus, the struggle to overcome our fleshly tendencies and grow closer to our Creator is an everyday battle...or should be.

However, a lot of Christians reject the idea of submitting our lives and wills to God and are regularly and casually embracing sin instead. Many of us justify our - and others' - thoughts, words and actions based on world views and the common acceptance, encouragement and reward of these inappropriate behaviors. By claiming Jesus as Lord but ignoring His commands, we have become model hypocrites of our faith. How far some of us have drifted (or flat-out turned away) from His open arms!

Grace comes through faith and repentance - being sorry for our sins, trying to change our behavior, and aspiring to dwell in God's presence instead of lusting for what the darkness has to offer. We sidestep personal accountability through self-indulgence, apathy or simply playing the victim in this life. (Do not be deceived by the idea that we are victims of sin; we are willing participants!) All the while, our Savior watches and waits for us to return to Him.

If we are Christ's hope and light in the world, where is our self-control, forgiveness, truth, patience, peace, advocacy, love, mercy, compassion, gentleness and disgust for sin? He, Himself, told us how narrow the way is to salvation. Time after time in the Word, He tells followers to "...sin no more." Why are we not taking Him seriously?

Book information

ISBN: 9781628802856
Publisher: Ideas Into Books: Westview
Imprint: Ideas Into Books: Westview
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 158
Weight: 331g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 14mm