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So Much for Love

So Much for Love How I Survived a Toxic Relationship

First American edition

Hardback (09 Jun 2022)

  • $27.39
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Publisher's Synopsis

Sophie had always been cynical about love - until she meets Marcus. His affection and doting praise melt away her defenses. The beginning of their relationship was a whirlwind romance, but over time she finds herself on uneven footing. Marcus lies. He's violently angry and bewilderingly inconsistent. Yet somehow he always manages to explain away his behavior and to convince Sophie that it's all in her head. Sophie comes to realise that she's become trapped in a cycle of abuse with someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Once she gets out of the relationship, Sophie turns her pen to documenting the experience and offers bracing, hilarious, and empathetic advice to any readers who may be in similar straits.

About the Publisher

St. Martin's Press

What does :01 mean? Is it first? Or second? First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh.Pressing the reset button. A clean slate. A fresh start.Everything begins with the First Second. . . .Where is :01?The offices are in New York City, in the Flatiron Building where Fifth Avenue crosses Broadway, at 23rd Street. To be precise. But really, :01 comes to you from all over the world, since its creators are scattered all around America, all over Europe, Asia and Africa. So far, no one is making graphic novels for us in Antarctica, although we haven't checked the submissions pile today.

Book information

ISBN: 9781250785992
Publisher: First Second
Imprint: St. Martin's Press
Pub date:
Edition: First American edition
DEWEY: 158.2
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 297
Weight: 776g
Height: 223mm
Width: 162mm
Spine width: 34mm