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Snug Harbor Stories: A Wallace the Brave Collection!

Snug Harbor Stories: A Wallace the Brave Collection! - Wallace the Brave

Hardback (24 Sep 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Think "Peanuts" if Charlie Brown were less of a mope or "Calvin & Hobbes" if Calvin weren't a bit of a psychopath. "Wallace The Brave" is about a family. There's Dad, a fisherman, Mom, a gardener, their almost feral young son Sterling, who never met a bug he wouldn't eat, and his older brother Wallace, a rambunctious, imaginative kid big on exploring. Mostly we see the world of the strip through Wallace's eyes, a sleepy East Coast beach town called Snug Harbor where the streets are lined with ice cream shops and the beaches are dotted with rocky tide pools ... The world of childhood depicted in the strip is a timeless, outdoorsy one reminiscent of strips like "Calvin & Hobbes" and "Cul De Sac," both of which Henry cites as influences. -- NPR's Glen Weldon

About the Publisher

Andrews McMeel Publishing

Known for cutting-edge comics and best-selling humor, cookbook, puzzle, and children's books, Andrews McMeel has a passion for publishing original talent and delighting readers with innovative books and gifts that are worth sharing.

Book information

ISBN: 9781524855819
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Imprint: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 741.5
Language: English
Number of pages: 178
Weight: 470g
Height: 159mm
Width: 237mm
Spine width: 24mm