Publisher's Synopsis
In our ever-changing and often-confusing world, a world in which it is often difficult to determine right from wrong or good from bad, things which may have shocked our grandparents, or even our parents, are often taken with a grain of salt. Just a few short years ago, it seemed that the stereotype of gay men had firmly entrenched itself in the general consciousness of our society. It would have been looked upon as absurd, for example, for one to suggest that a certain professional football player was gay. After all, everyone knew that gay men were nonviolent at best, and downright weakened at worst. It also went without saying that there were no gay doctors, lawyers, politicians or policemen. There were, however, numerous gay hair dressers, interior decorators and fashion designers. And, of course, most artists were suspect. SNOWED IN ORGY is a story that "tells it like it is" in that it exposes the old gay stereotype for what it is - a lie. A compelling novel that attempts to uncover the truth in an area where the facts have been ignored too long.