Small Pieces A Book of Lamentations

eBook (06 Jul 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

My mother, my family and Judaism are nested inside each other. I am Jewish and always Jewish; it's analogous with family, however hard it is, and however strained, it can never be disavowed... I remain, as my therapist put it, 'enmeshed', all tangled up in the family hoard. This book has been both a continuation of my conversations with them, and an attempt to untangle myself. This is Joanne's account of coming to terms with her brother's suicide and through that process, the entirety of her family life. In Small Pieces Joanne explores her childhood, her Jewishness and her mother's death as well as that of her brother. The life and family Joanne describes is a complex combination of conflicting influences - both scientific and literary; Jewish and humanist impulses; and middle America and North London settings. Small Pieces is a beautiful and searingly honest meditation on family and faith.

About the Publisher

Atlantic Books

Atlantic Books is an independent British publishing house. It was founded by Toby Mundy in February 2000 and published its first book in May 2001. It has since developed a list that has a world-wide reputation for quality, originality and breadth, and includes fiction, history, politics, memoir and current affairs. It won 'Imprint and Editor of the Year' at the British Books Awards in 2005 and 2009, and was 'Independent Publisher of the Year' in 2009.

Book information

ISBN: 9781786492319
Publisher: Atlantic Books
Imprint: Atlantic Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 1 online resource (304 )
Weight: -1g