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Slaughterhouse-Five A Duty Dance With Death

School & Library ed.

Hardback (03 Nov 1991)

  • $23.55
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Publisher's Synopsis

Billy Pilgrim is the son of an American barber. He serves as a chaplain's assistant in World War II, is captured by the Germans, and he survives the largest massacre in European history the fire bombing of Dresden. After the war Billy makes a great deal of money as an optometrist, and on his wedding night he is kidnapped by a flying saucer from the planet Tralfamadore. So begins a modern classic by a master storyteller.

Book information

ISBN: 9780808514572
Publisher: Turtleback Books
Imprint: Turtleback Books
Pub date:
Edition: School & Library ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 181g
Height: 181mm
Width: 103mm
Spine width: 21mm