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Sidney Sheldon's Mistress of the Game

Sidney Sheldon's Mistress of the Game

Paperback (04 Aug 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"The master of the storytelling game."

Sidney Sheldon's masterful #1 New York Times bestseller Master of the Game has enthralled millions of readers the world over. Now, at long last, the breathtaking saga of the ambitious and powerful MacGregor/Blackwell family continues in Sidney Sheldon's Mistress of the Game. Author Tilly Bagshawe has picked up the master's baton and delivered a magnificent tale of determination, greed, and very dark secrets in the distinct Sheldon vein that will mesmerize newcomers and confirmed Sidney Sheldon fans alike.

Book information

ISBN: 9780061883163
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: William Morrow Large Print
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 592
Weight: 703g
Height: 231mm
Width: 149mm
Spine width: 31mm