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Shielded Mates Volume 3

Shielded Mates Volume 3 A Guardians of Chaos Duet

Paperback (02 Mar 2024)

  • $28.42
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Guardians of Chaos have sworn a vow to keep magic free. Tossed into a fight between supernaturals, will finding their mates be the tie that binds, or will it weaken their cause?


Witch Shield

She's on a mission to prove magic exists. He has to change her mind.

What happens when a Witch falls for a feisty normal bent on outing the single most vital secret in the known universe?

Vampire Shield

Byram Evers is the only Vampire known to have sided with the Guardians of Chaos. His Alpha sends him to investigate the mystery behind the magic bloodletting epidemic, and the trail leads Byram back to his former Clan. Back to her.

Enjoy this series now in paperback with new discreet covers.

Book information

ISBN: 9781960294395
Publisher: C.D. Gorri Books
Imprint: C.D. Gorri Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 428
Weight: 463g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 24mm